Originally called the Haviland Genealogical Organization, the founding of the Haviland - de Havilland Heritage Society (Havilands.org) was led by Christopher Sirmons Haviland in 1995 with cousins Robert Alan Haviland and Marylin Current to study the Haviland & de Havilland surnames, descent from Thomas, Sieur de Haveilland (a Jurat of Guernsey from 1470), and the family heraldry.
The society has amassed a significant database, has received a number of artifacts and texts about the Haviland / de Havilland families from stores, societies, collectors, inheritors and pawn shops, fosters the use of Haviland & de Havilland profiles at WikiTree, and shares information with researchers at no charge.
The Haviland - de Havilland Y-DNA Study (HavilandDNA.com) began as two separate studies: one for the English de Havilland family (founded by Christopher Sirmons Haviland via DNA Heritage in 2005) and one for the Irish family (founded by Bridget Kopetzky via Family Tree DNA soon thereafter). In April 2011, DNA Heritage signed an agreement with Family Tree DNA to take over its database and studies, and Mr. Haviland's project was inherited by Ms. Kopetzky's project at Family Tree DNA. Mr. Haviland became the centralized study's co-administrator tracking English and Germanic lines, and Ms. Kopetzky remained as administrator, tracking Irish lines. Later, Robert Alan Haviland, who specializes in deep ancestral DNA, also became a co-administrator.
The study investigates the paternal descent of various males bearing variants of the name Haviland and de Havilland, including Heavilon, Heavirland, Haverland, and Havlin. The study has shown that there is a major family that ostensibly descends from a Guernsey family (de Havilland) and traces roots back to Neustria and the ancient Franks and Gauls, several smaller families that come from Irish clans (such as Havlin), and an array of unrelated Germanic lines (Haverland).